Upon first glance, the images seemed far from striking. In today's society, explosions are not something that we rarely catch on video or photo. This is not an insight into something the average viewer can not see by simply googling "explosion". However, knowing her intention behind the body of work, alters how I view it. And in this case, and many others I think that an artist intentions can be just as captivating as the work. Without knowing her interest, in the fear of the explosion and the exposure that soldiers are trained to deal with, her work would be boring to me. My interest in narration and intention of the artist is very clear throughout my exploration of her work. I am trained to not only tell stories by images, but by narration due to the broadcasting background that I come from. I enjoyed this series because I can easily say that the artist purpose is necessary sometimes to enjoy the work. Not to say that it should always be completely reliant on this aspect. Photography after all is a visual art for the most part.
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